Driving for free. What’s the catch?

What if you could drive all those drives to the shops for groceries, soccer practice of your son, balletclass of your daughter for free ?


Sure you would. But that is ofcourse to good to be true isn’t it.
Well maybe you are right. Maybe you are not.

How much do you spend on your current car every year?

How much of that is petrol?

How many kilometers do you drive per year? Per month? Per week? Per day?

Statistics say “people drive 30 km per day average” .  I think thats low. lets say 60km on a good day is more likely.

That is of course just a statistic. I do not feel like being a statistics, so those kind of sales talk don’t cut it with me. I always see for myself.

According to http://www.anwb.nl my 4 year old car cost 700-900 euro per month they say.

WOOH! 10.000 eur per year for my diesel

I didn’t realize its that much. And if you add up all your costs… it really is that high !

After having repairs on my fuel ( diesel) car for over 3000 euro I started thinking…how long is this car going to last… how much more cost will show up.

I looked at my own situation a year ago. What is my max. distance on a day, one way, return and started thinking whether or not I could use all the latest tax breaks, “free electricity” and other insentives to start driving the “new way”.

I found out that a few models came on to the market for real, that could do just fine. So I started calculating. Add a little extra fun factor. Marketing possibilities and before you know it I was driving my Mitusbishi I-Miev in The Netherlands.

Yeh yeh… but what did it cost me? Money. Lots of it. At first.
After 20.000 km driving with a periodic 20.000km check of 140eur the running cost seem to be not that much.

Tax breaks and environmental invenstments make it profitable to invest in a EV instead of buying a fuel powered car. Tax breaks return av. 4000 eur per year.

I save 1500-2200 litres (more?) of diesel a year equals more than 3000 euro of fuel i do NOT have to pay anymore.

I have a free charging pole in front of my house. No energy cost at this moment.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention. You don’t pay road tax.. at ALL ! My diesel is costly !

And I am not mentioning yet how much FUN it is to drive electric. The silence. The POWER. Its really fun!

So what’s the catch. Yes you know it, I am sure. The radius. You need to plan your drive. Drive with the knowledge that you need to be energy efficient if you want to drive to the limits of the radius of your EV.

We started with the radius, didn’t we. So if you decided that you are going to use the car for your 60km daily drives, whats the problem? How much I drive? 120-150km per day. Every day. That is 4 times more than the average statistics.

Within 8 months 20.000km at (almost) no cost for the energy.
My diesel car cost me total 10.000 per year. My EV… much less… you do the math. Don’t trust my calculations!

My diesel gives me good 900km radius, but really how many time do you drive 900km on a day.

My EV gives me much more pleasure on all those smaller distances.

What I get and pay for my EV compared to my diesel; the benefits, the technique, silence, power, cheap energy outweighs the fuel based car by far.


for all the good, fun and eco and environmental reasons.

What is your opinion? I would like to hear.

One response to “Driving for free. What’s the catch?

  1. I calculated that driving my Ford Focus petrol car to work in Oslo and back home cost 57,20 NOK in fuel and congestion charge cost. Driving my i-Miev to work and back cost 4,68 NOK. That’s less than one tenth the cost when I drive electric. In addition I get to drive in the bus lane, park for free on municipal parking, free electricity on the many hundred public charging spots around Oslo. And it’s fun to drive the i-Miev, and it’s environmentally friendly.

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